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Rutten’s Health Policy Questionnaire

information tooltip image The assessment instrument uses quantitative and/or qualitative data

  • Qualitative

Type of Instrument:
information tooltip image The type of the assessment instrument

  • Survey

Number of Items:
information tooltip image Number of items in the assessment instrument


Subscale Information:
information tooltip image Names of each of the subscales and the number of items for each of the subscales

Political opportunities (5)
Resources (3)
Obligations (4)
Public opportunities (3)
Goals (3)
Organisantional opportunities (2)

Language Availability:
information tooltip image Language(s) in which the assessment instrument is available

  • English

Brief Description:
information tooltip image Brief summary description of assessment instrument

This survey used policymakers’ experience and evaluative expertise to analyze determinants of policy output and outcomes.

Citing Literature - Development/Original:
information tooltip image Reference for publication describing the development of the assessment instrument

Rütten, A., Lüschen, G., von Lengerke, T., Abel, T., Kannas, L., Rodríguez Diaz, J. A., Vinck, J., & van der Zee, J. (2003). Determinants of health policy impact: comparative results of a European policymaker study. Sozial- und Praventivmedizin, 48(6), 379–391. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00038-003-2048-0. PMID: 14758749.

Citing Literature - Empirical Use/Application:
information tooltip image Reference for publications on the application of the assessment instrument

Not Found

information tooltip image Website providing access to and/or describing the assessment instrument

Not Found

information tooltip image Related files uploaded (instrument if directly available) including descriptions for each

information tooltip image Number/name of the most recent version of the assessment instrument

Not Found

Related Instrument:
information tooltip image Indicate if assessment instrument is related to another instrument in the repository.

Not Found
  • Intended Focus

      Levels of Data Collection:
      information tooltip image The level(s) from which the assessment instrument collects data

      • Policy

      Intended Priority Population:
      information tooltip image Intended priority population from whom data are collected using the assessment instrument

      • Public Health Practitioner
      • Policy Makers

      Intended Priority Setting:
      information tooltip image Intended priority setting in which the assessment instrument is used

      • Community Organization
      • Public Health Agency

      information tooltip image Assessment instrument is relevant to policy

      • Public (Laws, Regulations)

      Equity Focus:

      Not Found
  • Psychometric Properties

      information tooltip image The assessment instrument produces a composite score


      information tooltip image Measures of central tendency and distribution for the total score are based on small, medium, large sample size

      Not Found

      information tooltip image The ability of the assessment instrument to detect change over time (i.e., sensitivity to change or intervention effects).

      Not Found

      information tooltip image The extent to which an instrument measures what it is intended to measure accurately.

      • Known Group Validity (Definition)

      information tooltip image The extent to which results are consistent results over time, across raters, across settings, or across items intended to measure the same thing.

      Not Found

      Factor Analysis:
      information tooltip image A statistical method that uses the correlation between observed variables to identify common factors.

  • Pragmatic Properties

      Time to Administer:
      information tooltip image The amount of time required to complete the assessment instrument

      Not Found

      Secondary Data:

      Not Found

      information tooltip image Cost associated with access to assessment instrument (Some insturments might require login.)

      Not Found

      information tooltip image Readability of the items reported on.

      Not Found

      information tooltip image Expertise needed for interpretation of data is reported.


      information tooltip image Expertise needed to use the assessment instrument is reported

      Not Found

      Resources Required to Administer:
      information tooltip image Resources needed to administer the assessment instrument (FTE for data collector, equipment, etc.)

      Not Found

      User Guidance:
      information tooltip image Guides are provided to support administration of assessment instrument/data collection, and/or analysis of data from the assessment instrument, and/or interpretation of data, and/or action/decision on how to use data

      Not Found

      information tooltip image Degree of intrusion the participants will experience because of the data collection when using the assessment instrument (e.g., assessment instruments that rely on use of secondary data or automated data will be less obtrusive)

      • Medium: Asyncronous collection of data

      information tooltip image Data collection and/or result generation involves interactive components.

      Not Found
  • Assessment Instrument Characteristics

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