
Number of Models:
information tooltip image The number of models that include elements aligned with the given construct.


information tooltip image Components abstracted from each model and aligned with the given construct.

Core Implementation Components

Delivered as Intended; Adherence; Integrity; Quality of Program Delivery

Design Intervention Prototype - Manualize Intervention to Assure Standardization

Feasibility, fidelity, penetration, acceptability, sustainability, uptake, costs

Feedback on Execution and Fidelity

Fidelity Monitoring/Support


Phase 3: evaluation of CW implementation programs

information tooltip image The definition of the construct.

Degree to which an intervention was implemented as it was prescribed in the original protocol or as it was intended by the program developers." Fidelity of the intervention as it is implemented in a "real world" setting may be compared to the fidelity from the original evidence based intervention. Fidelity should be considered within the early and middle implementation stages.