
Number of Models:
information tooltip image The number of models that include elements aligned with the given construct.


information tooltip image Components abstracted from each model and aligned with the given construct.

Academic detailing

Active Ingredients


Activities and Processes

Activities Used to Link Research to Action


Align messages with strategic goals of adopting organization

assistance with implementation problems

Audience segmentation

audience specific

Audit and feedback

Behavior change strategies

Booster Training

Capacity building within health services and health delivery organizations

Choice of Dismantling Strategy

Client Advocacy*


Cognitive Participation


Coherence or Sense-Making

Collective action

Consultation and Coaching

Coordination across departments and specialties

Create an action plan

Create networks to foster learning opportunities

Decide the Sampling Strategy

demonstration of new techniques

Design Intervention Prototype - (4B) design intervention for fit to community setting and population

Design Intervention Prototype - Integrate 4A and B to develop intervention components; vet prototype for relevance and potential for success.

Design Quality and Packaging

Develop Strategies for Improving Adherence

developing capacity

discussion between researchers and clinicians

Dissemination Strategy

Diverse Activities

Economic incentives



Education sessions for decision makers



Environmental Restructure

Face-to-face exchange


Facilitation of sharing of best practices

Facilitation of Utilization

Feedback and refinement of intervention package and training

Feedback of results

Formal Dissemination and change strategies should be planned per relevant research

Formative Feedback Process

Framework/Logic Model

General support capacity building

Implementation Intervention Strategies

Implementation strategies



Info/Data partnership

Innovation-Specific capacity building

Interactive Exchange

Interactive, multidisciplinary workshops


Intervention startegies

Introducing, Interpreting, Applying



Just in time teaching and action plans

Key Strategies

knowledge broker role

Market Knowledge

Market research

Market Segmentation

Market Strategy

Marketing and Distribution Systems for Public Health

Membership of Community Practice



Networks and communities of practice

Nutrition Education

Ongoing support of and partnership with community organizations

Packaging intervention for training and assessment

Parent Wellness Workshop

Participatory Approaches


Patient centeredness


Physical Activity

Plan for sustainability

Policy change strategies

Preservice Training

Progressive Development Cycles

Provide practical implementation tools

Provide simple, evidence-based recommendations

Provides patient choices

Public-academic Collaboration*

Recruit an Interdisciplinary Team

Reflexive Monitoring

reinforcement of new knowledge


Relationship and communication with adopters (bridge researchers)

Report results of preliminary evaluation to decision makers


Role of facilitator; other implementation elements

Schedule A Team Conference

Secure Technical Assistance*

Sharing emerging findings in "real time"

Simulation Modeling

Skilled Facilitation

Strategic accuracy of Innovation adoption


strategies for implementation

Sustainable partnerships/key roles*


Tailoring Intervention

Targeted and Timely

Teamwork Formation

Technical Assistance

Technical support


Transformative practice

Understanding the Mechanism of Action of Intervention Components Designed to Address the Barriers

Use a nodal organizational structure

Use Marketing research

use of non-technical language

Utilization of Policy Analysis

Virtual Practice Development College and Outreach

Workplace Wellness


information tooltip image The definition of the construct.

Dissemination strategies describe mechanisms and approaches that are used to communicate and spread information about interventions to targeted users. Dissemination strategies are concerned with the packaging of the information about the intervention and the communication channels that are used to reach potential adopters and target audience. Passive dissemination strategies include mass mailings, publication of information including practice guidelines, and untargeted presentations to heterogeneous groups. Active dissemination strategies include hands on technical assistance, replication guides, point-of-decision prompts for use, and mass media campaigns. It is consistently stated in the literature that dissemination strategies are necessary but not sufficient to ensure wide-spread use of an intervention.

Implementation strategies refer to the systematic processes, activities, and resources that are used to integrate interventions into usual settings. Some authors refer to implementation strategies as core implementation components or implementation drivers and list staff selection, pre-service and in-service training, ongoing consultation and coaching, staff and program evaluation, facilitative administrative support, and systems interventions as components.

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