Evidence Integration Triangle

D and/or I:
information tooltip image The focus on dissemination and/or implementation activities. D-only focuses on an active approach of spreading evidence-based interventions to target audience via determined channels using planned strategies. D=I, D>I, and I>D means there is some focus on both dissemination and implementation. I-only focuses on process of putting to use or integrating evidence-based interventions within a setting.


Socio-Ecological Levels:
information tooltip image The level of the framework at which the model operates. Individual includes personal characteristics; Organization includes hospitals, service organizations, and factories; Community includes local government and neighborhoods; System includes hospital systems and government; Policy includes changes in policy.

  • Individual
  • Organization
  • Community
  • System
  • Policy

Number of Times Cited:
information tooltip image The # of times the original publication for the model was cited as indicated by Google Scholar since 2016.


Field of Origin:
information tooltip image The field of study in which the model originated.

Public Health; Health Policy and Practice

information tooltip image Whether the model is for the use of practitioners and/or researchers.

Researcher and Practitioner

information tooltip image These are ratings given by users of the site.

information tooltip image Name of the construct developed by classifying/aligning the elements abstracted from models.

Assessment Instruments:

information tooltip image The original publication(s) of the model.

Glasgow RE, Green LW, Taylor MV, Stange KC. An Evidence Integration Triangle for Aligning Science with Policy and Practice. Am J Prev Med. 2012;42(6): 646–654.

information tooltip image Citations of studies that have used the model as an outline for their study.

Billings J, de Bruin SR, Baan C, Nijpels G. Advancing integrated care evaluation in shifting contexts: blending implementation research with case study design in project SUSTAIN. BMC Health Serv Res. 2020 Oct 23;20(1):971. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05775-5

Resnick B, Kolanowski A, Van Haitsma K, Galik E, Boltz M, Ellis J, Behrens L, Flanagan NM, Eshraghi KJ, Zhu S. Testing the evidence integration triangle for implementation of interventions to manage behavioral and psychological symptoms associated with dementia: Protocol for a pragmatic trial. Res Nurs Health. 2018 Jun;41(3):228-242. doi: 10.1002/nur.21866

de Bruin SR, Stoop A, Billings J, Leichsenring K, Ruppe G, Tram N, Barbaglia MG, Ambugo EA, Zonneveld N, Paat-Ahi G, Hoffmann H, Khan U, Stein V, Wistow G, Lette M, Jansen APD, Nijpels G, Baan CA; SUSTAIN consortium. The SUSTAIN Project: A European Study on Improving Integrated Care for Older People Living at Home. Int J Integr Care. 2018 Jan 16;18(1):6. doi: 10.5334/ijic.3090

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